Solar panels, also known as solar cells or photovoltaic cells, have been used extensively for generating electricity and power throughout the world since Bell Laboratories first produced solar cells for space applications in the early
1950's. Up to now, satellites, space probes, the Hubble Telescope, the Mars Rover and the International Space Station utilize solar panels to generate power, giving mankind access to new frontiers and broader scientific knowledge.
At a time when global reliance on fossil fuels should be curtailed due to the dwindling supplies of oil and the negative effects of its consumption on the environment, solar energy has become an efficient, reliable, and feasible
alternative for power generation. Solar panels are easy to install, have been developed through the years to efficiently generate power, and require very little maintenance. Most importantly, it does not affect the environment in any
negative manner whatsoever.
Cheap, efficient and harmless energy is now readily available because of the mass production of solar panels. Homes can reduce electricity bills without reducing their power consumption by simply combining regular electrical systems
with non-polluting, energy efficient solar cells. In the long run, the investment of installing solar panels will pay off in the form of reduced electric bills and a cleaner environmental footprint, allowing future generations to
continue to enjoy the earth and its wonders.
Commercial establishments will also benefit from using solar panels. Aside from the fact that corporations will be able to avoid contributing to pollution and other harmful activities affecting our fragile environment, great financial
savings will be realized almost immediately once solar power is integrated in corporate operations and production systems. Savings in electrical costs alone will boost profit and allow companies to invest further and produce more,
creating more jobs and elevating the economy.
Solar power is an environmentally-friendly, alternative energy source that is gaining popularity recently due to the overwhelming evidence of the destructive effects of unusual weather occurrences caused by climate change. It's not too late to save the earth and save your money. It makes sense to switch to solar energy now.
The first and foremost advantage of using solar panels is that the energy it generates does not emit any greenhouse gases. It does not produce smoke, gas, or other chemical by-products.
Another advantage is that beyond initial installation and maintenance, solar energy is 100% free. It does not need expensive raw materials like coal or oil, and does not require additional labor, because once the sun comes up, your
energy source is already there, and you are good to go. Compared to electricity generated using traditional fuels, solar energy is a so much cleaner and a lot cheaper.
Because no additional raw materials are needed, no extra labor is required, and no special equipment need to be obtained, solar panels will ultimately free you from the costs associated with using traditional energy sources. As the
cost of materials for producing solar panels continue to decrease, so will the amount of your savings continue to increase.